Nightcap: Intimacy Card Game


A captivating card game designed for couples seeking to enrich their emotional and sexual bond. Through 81 thought-provoking questions, Nightcap sparks rich conversations and unforgettable date nights. Designed for the DTC brand,

2023 - Present

Product Design, Packaging Design, Photography


Confronting stigmas

While societal stigmas around sexual and emotional well-being persist, the desire for a deeper connection with your partner is almost universal. Achieving balance in these areas leads to more fulfilling relationships, better self-understanding, and overall happiness. Our goal is to design a game that cultivates this balance, enriching your relationships.

Inclusive and approachable

Being mindful of cultural stigmas, Nightcap's design involved treating emotional and sexual intimacy with a seriousness. We included questions that are well-researched, profound, open-ended, and inclusive of diverse sexualities. Along with using an approachable and simple design language, Nightcap is purposely friendly for newcomers to intimacy products.



Influenced by our research, we wanted to create questions that cover some of the many dimensions of intimacy: physical, emotional, and intellectual. Split into 3 sections, we created:

Sexual Intimacy
Fun challenges and questions that enable a deeper understanding and respect for each other’s sexual needs and comfort zones.

Emotional Intimacy
Connect on a deeper level and explore your relationship.

Each Other's Pasts
Learn more about each other’s childhoods and life stories, and how that’s shaped their worldview.

We kept track of our original 271 questions using Google Docs, adding comments and tweaks.

User Testing

Through several rounds of testing with our partners and by loaning prototypes to friends in long-term relationships, we refined our game from an initial set of 271 questions to a playable 81.


Our initial prototypes were super-simple, just printing and cutting out.


Players subconsciously shuffled the deck, mixing the sections together. Since the game plays best with separate sections, we altered our instructions.

Design Language


The design employs three culturally significant colors: red for romance, purple to represent the range of emotions, and green for a welcoming feel. These colors not only help players quickly identify and sort each section, but also contribute to the thematic mood of each question.

We use neutral typography to avoid gender-specific connotations common in intimacy products. This makes the game more approachable, especially for folks playing for the first time.

Each question is bordered in a thin frame, subconsciously setting it apart from the deck and emphasizing its individual importance.


The packaging mirrors the aesthetics of the cards inside, employing similar simple design elements.


Launch date is early February 2024. We're excited, feel confident in the quality of our work, and are looking forward to continue refining. So far our testers have said:

“The sexual intimacy cards did not disappoint. We only got 6 cards in before we swapped out the cards for music, dimmed the lights...”

“Been together for almost 10 years, we still found ourselves shocked to find out new things about one another.”


Kingsley Udoyi
Keaton Petite
Mattias Voltmer
Brianna Sudhakar

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